(1/2) The Raid 10

「 Name: Draco (Avatar) - Rank 3 Demon Supreme 

Str: 1000 (2000) 

Dex: 200 (400) 

End: 400 (800) 

Int: 100 

Spr: 100 

Cha: 100 

Lck: 100 

Combat Skills: Magnitude, Pulverize, Decimate, Superb Regeneration, Demon Minions, Disintegrate. 

Non-Combat Skills: Demonic Might (Rank 1), Supreme Strength, Supreme Speed, Fires of Hell, Supreme Defense, Ruler of the Nine Hells.」 

「Magnitude – Active Skill 

Effect: Stomp the ground with all your power, creating a terrible earthquake and creating a small canyon that leads into a pool of lava. This either deals tremor damage or disintegration damage, or both, depending on how it is executed. 

Duration: Same as transformation 

Cooldown: None.」 

「Pulverise – Active Skill 

Effect: Punch a single target with all your strength. This deals 1,000% (2,000%) blunt damage. 

Cooldown: None.」 

「Decimate – Active Skill