(2/2) The First Inter-Player International Competition - End

The Raid Event had finally come to an end! 

Amber hovered lower, her legs still tightly clenched as she wore a happy smile, hoping it would distract onlookers from noticing her shame. 

"And with that, the Raid Event has come to an end. Ladies and Gentlemen, let's give all of our contestants one final round of applause, for our First Inter-Player International Competition, has officially come to an end!" 

Hearing this, the crowd was stunned for a while, and so were the contestants. 

That's… it? It's over? Is it really finally over? 

Rather than ecstatic, they were still in disbelief. 

After all, this Final Event of what had once started out as a friendly one was too hectic and revealed too many things for anyone to come back down into the mood of celebrating some digital world cup. 

Draco's Avatar waved his hand and called Amber over. The woman obediently flew over, biting her lip as she fought back her lust.