The Heavenly Imprisonment Tower 1

While the various groups were looting in a spree, Misery had reached the Heavenly Imprisonment Tower of the Pangu Lineage. He was accompanied by Sublime Notion and Kiran, who were backing him up on this endeavor. 

After all, Scathach was too important to their Lineage to let go, and now that they were cutting ties with the Pangu Lineage, her presence would be a powerful deterrence. 

The three soon passed through many ruined buildings till they came to the western end of the estate. Here, a broken tower stood tall, parts of it glowing with bright colors while other parts where faded and slowly losing integrity. 

It was clear that th tower took a beating when the bombs went off, but as expected, it was protected by something more than just technology, so the entire structure had not come down yet.