The Heavenly Imprisonment Tower - End

"Great-grandfather...?" Misery asked with confusion. 

As the lover of Scathach, no one should be filled with more rage than Cu Chulainn right now. However, he was so calm that even a mere touch from him was enough to drain Misery of all his rage and anger. 

This naturally confused the fellow. 

The spirit of The Hound of Culann smiled at his descendant and pointed forward, towards the top of the dome. Misery looked over and saw that this was where most of the other spirits were headed as well, but he didn't know what the point of any of this was. 

Chulainn chuckled and spoke in an ethereal voice that only Misery could hear. "Use the Underworld Gaze." 

Misery was startled, but did as he was told. He made the hand sign for the 1st Order spell customized by Scathach, Underworld Gaze. It was designed by her in order to allow the human eye to see the world of spirits and spirituality.