The Daring Rescue - End

While Loving Aunt had been dealing with Lingtian, AP and co rushed into the manor itself and saw that it was still quite heavily defended, with more and more parties rushing out to fight. 

In other words, if we were to consider the entire estate as a 'map', then this was the spawn area. 

This was totally fine for the group, as they could slaughter as they pleased, but it was annoying to be stopped every few steps to deal with flies. 

And also, how come there were so many fucking Pangu Lineage members? For a super secret clan, they sure had a huge population. 

Did it have to do with the country they lived in or their detestable breeding habits? 

Whatever the case, their startling high population was being cut down so fast that it was like watching a super fast countdown of a number. They mostly ran through males and very few females, because it was unlikely that the females of this Lineage would be treated as anything more than breeding pens.