A Harsh Lesson

Hehe, you didn't need to think too much to see that Draco and Eva had suffered a severe blow this time. 

After coming back from the Eternal World, these two had been acting as if Earth was only worth garbage, their nose so high in the air that even Boa Hancock would feel threatened. 

However, the universe was fair and balanced. If one became too big for their britches, then those britches would squeeze them to death or rip in public and leave their sausage/egg out for display! 

Such was the downfall of the Evil Duo. 

When they came back, they wisely sealed their power, but instead of developing as usual and working to master their power using Boundless, they had come out to play God. 

Throwing the poor hardworking God Serpents into a meat grinder in the name of toughening them up so that they could handle any world problem, even Primordials, was arrogant, foolish and naive.