Shuangtian and Eva

However, the moment Shangtian died, his soul was pulled over by Eva. Even though she had not been paying attention to him, she still subconsiously noticed when a soul form appeared nearby and put two and two together, grabbing it before it could dissipate. 

Once she noticed that it was Shangtian soul, Eva's eyes narrowed. A cruel smile appeared on her face as she immediately released Abyssal Energy from her Mother of the Abyss branch, which infected Shangtian's soul and began to warp it. 

Once more, Shangtian was subjected to EVEN WORSE pain than before, this time only the soul level. He couldn't scream audibly, but the group could 'feel' his cries from the side and could tell that he was currently in a terrible spot. 

Eventually, the brownish soul became black and ugly, looking like an aberration of its previous form. What Eva had created was a Rotting Soul, the lowest form of soul related aberration from the Abyss.