Teaching Them A Lesson 1

Well, it would naturally take time for the information to disseminate between the various forces of the plane. The Eternals in the room were too shocked to even speak, and it was obvious that they would likely spread the information to forces behind them or sell it for profit. 

They did not know Shuangtian from anywhere and had no reason to take care of her secrets for her, though this was not exactly a secret. Of course, the issue was that if she felt it was so, she could easily silence them here and now… 

Thinking like this, the sensible ones among them like Hurst, Andreas, Leon, Dexter, and Kirlia were filled with fear and trepidation, wondering what would happen in the next few seconds, which would likely decide their life and death. 

As for Riola, she seemed to not care in the least and was thoroughly excited from head to toe, laughing happily as if she had seen her dead parents again as Batman.