Umbra's Cruelty

King Neptune, and all the other nobles who stood opposite Draco's group, had just finished inquiring as to their purpose here when they were blasted in the face with the power up from their Rank Up. 

Their faces changed greatly when they sensed this, for Draco, Eva and Shuangtian had become exponentially powerful. 

From stats alone, their increases had gone from 40,000% to 80,000% which was double, but in terms of output, double was just the beginning. 40,000% was 400 times! 80,000% was 800 times! 

Their base stats were already 200 for each of their seven stats at level 10. Times the base 400, their stats were at 80,000!!! 

It will be said right, here, right now that no entity in the game had this much stats, except maybe True Gods because their stats and everything were calculated entirely differently.