Golden Savage Murderfest 3

Shadowheart rolled his eyes. "Alright enough guys. Lets get down to what we planned to do." 

Hearing this, Misery and AP_Berzerker settled down and stopped causing trouble. Rather, they looked at Shadow with anticipation and the fellow didn't disappoint. 

He tossed over some Demon Crystals to everyone, including Nightwalker who was standing by the side with an aggrieved expression. 

「Semi-Volatile Corrupted Demon Crystal – Consumable 

Rank: Rare (100% effectiveness) 

Effect: A Demon Crystal used to store Demonic Energy. It is created through filling Aether Crystals with Demon Energy and mixing the two, causing the resulting substance to be corrupt and deadly. Due to the infusion of Chaos Energy, the two energies are kept in a tentative balance, but can either be detonated through removal of the energy to create a 1.5x power blast, or detonated by irritating the two energies with the chaos energy, causing a 5x blast power!」