Update 3 Begins 1

「Boundless System-wide Announcement 

Welcome to Update 3 of Boundless! 

A few changes have been made to the core system to enhance gameplay while some new mechanics have been introduced. Please check the changelog below to verify; 

- Event Generation 

- Item Projection 

- Player Forums 

- Genetic Compatibility 

- Tier 3 Realism 

- World Expansion (Mapped Zones increased) 

- Item Limitation 

- Resource Stat Quantification - Level 1 

- Marriage System opened.」 

Upon re-entering Boundless the next day, every player in the world saw this menu before them. However, only the Evil Trio could fully understand the effects and ramifications of all these things in full. 

There was once a time where they feared the effects of reincarnation and disrupting the timeline, but they had long dispersed that fear and had begun to strut about with confidence.