The Frontlines

Draco waved his hands benevolently. "Of course, of course, who doesn't know about the nefarious Grey Rot that threatens to break our fair society?" 

Ulido nodded. "It is a scourge of epic proportions and every hand is needed on deck to… hold on, you know about the Grey Rot?" 

Draco blinked. "Yes?" 

"And you still decided to ascend?" Barrado asked with a look of incomprehension on his face. 

Realizing what they were getting at, Draco smiled. "It's basically the same reason you fellows are still here. You could have run down to the mortal world to eke out an ignoble existence, but what would that change?" 

"Eventually, the Grey Rot is going to consume the entire Divine Realm and then come down after consolidating and strengthening itself. Might as well stay here and fight it out then." Draco concluded with a shrug.