Sucks To be You, NPCs!

Before Draco could think about troubling or investigating this strange and curious Angel anymore, he noticed a change in his character sheet. 

「Name: Draco 

Class: Abyss Eternal 

Race: Hybrid (Human/Ultima Sunt) 

Rank: Demi God (5)/True God (???) 

Level: 247 

Exp: 76% 

Law Rank: Basic || Intermediate || Advanced || Master 

Divine Essence: 1,776,899/10,000 || 1,776,899/100,000 || 1,776,899/1,000,000 || 1,776,899/100,000,000 

Str: 255 (Current Total = 510,000) 

Dex: 255 (Current Total = 510,000) 

End: 255 (Current Total = 510,000) 

Int: 255 (Current Total = 510,000) 

Spr: 255 (Current Total = 510,000) 

Cha: 255 (Current Total = 510,000) 

Lck: 271 (Current Total = 542,000)