The Morningstar Clan's Love

Who else could they be but Zaine, Hikari and Roma? When the three of them appeared in their usual attires, Draco felt a pounding in his chest as his face flushed deeply. 

At this moment, Draco understood. As he pressed his hand to his throbbing chest, he understood that everything he thought he knew about himself was just rubbish. 

He thought that his affection for the three was simply based on his bloodline attraction, and that now that his bloodline had expanded greatly, he would not feel the same way. This was also buttressed by the fact that he hardly visited them anymore nor did he think about them often unless it was to reminisce. 

However, feeling his throbbing heart, the endless joy that surged to his mind and almost made his consciousness blurry, he understood that this was just a lie he told himself. His first reaction upon seeing the three of them was endless joy. 

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.