Rina's Third Test

How would you envision a battle between a ground type pokemon and a fire type pokemon? It should theoretically be an utter stomping of the fire type if the level range is around the same right? 

Well guess what NERD, life is not like pokemon! 

「Ascension Road Trial of Combat Quest Announcement 

Sub-Event: World Boss Raid 

Raid Target: The Mud Lord 

Raid Target Power: 10% 

Raid Target Introduction: This is a low level creature that was formed from the accumulation of the purest water and earth elements in this zone over the course of millions of years. Due to tis growth over time, it eventually reached its current level of power but with no source of divinity, it could never ascend past its limitations. 

Raid Difficulty: Easy. (Easy - Normal - Hard - Nightmare - Hell - Impossible) 

Raid Stage 1 - Mud Warrior(100% - 0% HP) 

Description: Raid Target fights clumsily, using its elemental body to manifest various attacks.」