Interlude - The Origin Of Misery: End

You can guard against a thief for ninety-nine days, but make a mistake and lose your vigilance for one day, and it would be enough for the fellow to make off with all your belongings, even your anime body pillow!

Nicholas was often out, quelling unrest that emerged from the conflict between the lineages that seemed to affect the mortal governments of the world, a worldwide conflict starting to brew.

Naturally, the then United Nations were aware of the lineages and had operated under their thumbs since after World War 2, with the Lineages as shadow rulers. However, seeing that the lineages had been severely weakened to the point where they could barely maintain their own internal operation, many became restless.

Who would like to be under someone else's control for long?

You lying there in your bed, didn't you praise the lords for being able to graduate from school because your teachers were always there to dictate how you were to live your life?