Revelations 1

The whole world watched with horror and shaking hearts when the nuclear warhead went off, their minds blank as they tried to comprehend the consequences of this event as well as the aftermath.

However, some quicker ones were soon puzzled and shocked, because how were they able to even witness this explosion head-on? Everything within that area should have been given a giant middle finger by life and reality, turned into ashes that not even worms would look at.

The broadcast soon cleared up and showed an area that was devoid of any damage whatsoever, but one could also see the flames, smoke, and trembling airwaves overlaid on this peaceful scene, causing some level of dissonance for all those witnessing it.

Draco, who was at the center of this, snapped a finger and made all the 'effects' go away like they were bad CGI. His expression was less amused than before, because he had been interrupted during his remembrance, which was irritating to say the least.