Turning Point - End

Edgelord Draco beckoned with a finger, causing the body of another Draco to emerge from the cage that was asleep. His looks were similar to Edgelord Draco, with spiky, unruly hair that was less 'crazy' and more 'unkempt,' as well as softer features that made one want to bully him.

Seeing this new soul, even stoic Draco was shouting the impossibility, while Lucifer was just utterly dumbfounded, not understanding how this could happen.

"The existence of this fellow was the major clue that led me to realize your plan, Lucifer," Edgelord Draco said as he made this sleeping Draco float face up, his features clear to all of them.

Edgelord Draco smirked. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the origin soul of Draco from this timeline!"

Having it being confirmed caused the other two to simply shake their heads as if water was in their ears, as if trying to jostle their brains into activity to clarify the cause and effect of such an impossible situation.