
Religion has been part of humans since the dawn of time. It has helped us gain insight into things that science may not be able to explain. The different religions contain differing elements of.....religious..stuff...

A prime example would be the cult of Vegans. Vegans first came around when a virus that slowly deteriorates the brain started infecting people back in 1944. Since then, they have spawned all over the world, with their primary spawning point being London.

Vegans, in addition to being vegetarian, do not use other animal products and by-products such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, and soaps derived from animal products.

Anyways, the religion with the most people in it is Christianity. Towering above everyone else at a whopping...









2.2 billion people?

Some people don't believe that there is a god, those people are called atheists.

Some believe that there is a god, but they don't interfere with worldly matters. Those are called agnostics.

Then there are vegans.

Yeah, religion has caused many feuds throughout history *cough* Spanish inquisition *cough* but it has helped us grow as a race.


Vegans are a cult. Religion has helped us grow.