Excerpt From Biology Class

Day 1: I'm currently in biology class as of writing this class. Biology class is so boring why is it even a thing.

We don't even learn anything useful from this class (unless you're planning to do something in the field of medical science or biology)

This goes for every other class in school. Nothing. Is. Useful.

Day 2: I'm starting to worry about food supplies. There's nothing here except for my teacher, my classmates, and a bunch of science textbooks.

Thinking about eating the science textbooks, I'm sick of reading from them. What even is a chloroplast? Is that what makes Shrek green? I don't even know.

Day 3: It is currently day 3. Our water is running low ever since our teacher used half of it to brew coffee for himself. The pungent smell of science and smart people is starting to become unbearable.

Just saw a Coca-Cola, I may drink it. I'll back tomorrow.

Day 4: It was cherry coke, but desperate times calls for desperate measures. Those models of plant cells and the phospholipid bi-layer is looking tasty.

There are skittles on the model of the cell membrane after all... I'm risking it.

Day 5: The clock is ticking at the normal rate a clock ticks. One second per tick. Yet there seems to be an infinite span of time elapsing in between each second.

Nononono he's coming. My teacher is coming. I can see his charming smile and his fabulous hairstyle coming towards me.

Day 6: Hoooooo he didn't give us extra homework, only a project separated into 4 parts.

Very hungry, thinking about what would happen if I....

Day 20: They're after me. Those bloodthirsty monsters. My classmates.. what has become of them. They've become mindless creatures screaming scavenging for any sort of information on genetic screening.

I have to run, but the confines of this classroom hold me down, they trap me in this place.

Day 42: All is well.

Day 69: Nice

Day 70: Not nice. I am the last one standing in this graveyard of grades. My friends have all fallen to the endless mountains of homework and projects.

But it's so lonely out here, all alone.

Frick here comes my teacher.

Day 100:  Et ostendit mihi fluvium aquæ vitæ, splendidum tamquam crystallum, procedentem de sede Dei et Agni.

Apocalypsis 22:1