
I opened the door to my apartment, the same mildew and cheap scent smell hit my nose, home sweet home. I tossed my book bag onto the old couch and took off my jacket. I stretched and removed my Dan's Supermarket hat and the name tag pinned to my shirt. Another day of nothing out of the ordinary, another day slaving away, another day being single. I kicked my shoes off, each one hitting the cheap dry wall, leaving a slight mark in the paint. Today was nothing special, or so it might of seemed. My heart was pounding, my adrenaline pumping through my veins. My glasses were shaking on my face as I turned my light on and booted up my gaming pc. Today was raid day for RAJ Raid, a game me and my best friend have played for the last year, trying to acquire the the title "Best Player". My phone buzzed, Aaron was already calling, he knew it took me ten minutes to get home, that was his charm of knowing too much.

"What's up Aaron?"

"Hurry up and get on, someone started attacking one of our allied kingdoms."

I heard the crunch of a potato chip and the clacking of keys. Aaron was already hard at work trying to stall until I logged in. "Okay let me get changed."

"No dude, no time for that, we got an entire clan at our walls!" I pulled the phone away as Aaron continued his barrage of yelling and taunts at the other team. "I'll hurry, bye." I tossed my phone onto my air mattress and plopped down on my gaming chair. I exhaled and scrambled my brown hair, my usual routine before getting on. I shimmied my pants off and fished my socks off my feet, quickly looking away after getting a whiff of them. I chunked my pants and shirt at the couch, missing completely.

I typed my password in and stretched my fingers per usual. I looked down and shrugged, playing in underwear never hurt anyone. After my desktop came up and a picture of an anime chick smiled at me, my mind shifted to gaming mode. It was go time.

I texted Aaron I was already in the game, knowing full well I have not even clicked it yet. Grabbing my mouse, I moved my cursor to were RAJ Raid would have usually been, only the game icon was not there. I raised an eyebrow as I surveyed my screen. RAJ Raid was nowhere to be found on my desktop. After quickly sifting through files, a sensation of dread fell over me. Where was it, I clocked in over five hundred hours, it cant be deleted?

It was not so much so that I could not get my character and save back, it was the fact that this was the only raid day for the month. The idea of having to wait thirty more days would kill me, maybe before Aaron did. All hope died, my face in my palms. It would take hours to download the game again, the raid only going to last five. Then I noticed a slight pink sphere icon in the top left. What was that, I don't remember downloading that?

I hovered my cursor over it.


Land of Iro: Harem Lord


Why would I download this, was it some dating sim? I tilted my head, the last dating sim I ever played being over two years ago. My jaw dropped, maybe it was a virus that got rid of RAJ Raid. I angrily clicked and dragged it to the recycle bin, as I let go however, the recycling bin disappeared from my screen. It was definitely a virus. I hesitantly clicked on it, seeing as it was the only plausible thing to do.

The entire screen was engulfed in pink, a gold loading bar starting to fill.


Welcome to Harem Lord The Video Game!

Please create a username before continuing...


I blinked rapidly, my mind subconsciously ignoring the dinging of Aaron calling me again. I put in my usually username for most games.



Would you like to confirm this name?

If so press "enter" to confirm or "B" to type again.


I heard a something hit the ground hard in my bathroom. My attention quickly drawn to the noise. What the hell was that, was it that damn cat again? I thought about getting up but another blip made more text pop up.


Welcome to Harem Lord.

"In this world you are fragile and weak, no man will ever be strong, this is the curse that has always plagued this world. However this may be, most magic and physical prowess was passed on to men's counterpart, women.


I tried to click out of the game, the plot seeming a little vague and boring but of course, I was not able to do that. I reluctantly hit enter and once again a loading bar popped up with the words, "Awaiting Summoning..."

I pokerfaced, the loading time taking more than it should have.

I slouched in my chair and annoyingly watched the bar move like a turtle. Then I felt it, something cold against the base of my neck.

"Listen close buddy, I don't wanna harm you but if you move a fucking muscle without my say so, you get a bullet to the back of the head. Alright?"

I did not move as a raspy deep male voice spoke just behind me.

"Turn around and stand up, now."

I hesitantly stood from my chair and turned around. A male figure in all black and a ski mask held me at gun point. He shook the sidearm violently, motioning for me to go backwards. I followed his gesture and pressed my back against the wall.

"Hands up or I shoot."

I quickly shot my hands up, sweat already dripping down my forehead.

"What a-"

"Say another god damn word and you're dead. Shut the fuck up and stand there."

I sealed my mouth shut, unsure if I was ever going to able to open it again. I was being robbed, and at gun point. It was my fault too, I completely forgot to lock the door. I had to calm myself or I would fuck this up somehow. That's usually what happens to me. I always seem to blow things out of proportion but this, this was completely different. If not for the cold ac hitting me in the back of the neck, I would of thought this was a dream.

"Where are your valuables?"

He spoke quickly and did not skip around. I did not open my mouth, unsure if he would snap and shoot. "Hey motherfucker, I asked a question!"

I flinched as the pistol was whipped in my direction. "Okay god, Okay..." my feet almost gave out as I closed my eyes from fear. Being robbed in my underwear was high up on the "Shit that I wish wasn't happening" list.

"I have an envelope with the last three savings of my check underneath the mattress. It should be over a thousand dollars." My eyes stayed close, the sound of him grunting and shuffling toward the other side of my room was heard.

Then it hit me, under my bed were three porno magazines Aaron lent me a few days ago. Of course I'm no animal, I only used internet to enjoy myself because mags were so outdated, but Aaron had this thing for old styles and bikinis. I swallowed hard as I wretched my eyes open to see the robber getting on his knees. This was it, the moment I would lose all pride as a man. Burglar or not, if someone witnessed my misdeeds, my life would be over. The shame would be too much to subdue.


My body moved on its own, my heart calming and my eyes focusing on a single point. The gun he put at his feet to lift the mattress with both hands. What the fuck are you doing idiot, he has a gun? I pushed harder as I bent down and dipped my shoulder. Shut up, I know what I'm doing! I yelled inside my head as my elbow dug into his back and sent him head first into the thin walls of my apartment. The only thing was that the walls were so weak, his head easily made a whole in it. The impact would be equivalent to being hit by cardboard. I swallowed hard as I crashed to the floor and sprawled out on the carpet. The gun sliding away. I should of went for it first, hell that was the idea but my body decided there was a better option. The robber was quick, I mean like he was grunting and crawling for the gun already quick. I sized him up and pushed myself to my knees. I used my knees as springs as I leaped for the gun, an arm outstretched.

He reached it first, the small click as he grabbed it, signifying safety was off. He tried to aim in my direction but my finger hit it slightly, making the pistol fly in the air. There was a moment of silence as we stood a foot apart and the side arm landed perfectly in my hand.

Checkmate. As the barrel was aimed, I stopped. What now?

Do I shoot or tell him to leave, either way my heart was in full swing, telling me to let him go. My mind however, was making me squeeze the trigger.


A single shot fired, only it missed him by a long shot and hit my mini-fridge instead. The bullet ricocheted off it and then proceeded to bury itself in my neck. I dropped the gun, my eyes wide as I felt the cold wrap around my body. The robber quickly evacuated the room, a loud bang of my door telling me he left.

I slumped against the wall, my entire chest going numb. Shit, does this count as suicide. What the hell was wrong with me?! During the time I am literally dying my mind thinks of the dumbest stuff. Oh jeez man, this is it isn't it?The culmination of my pathetic life closing because staying away from the fps genre paid off. Well, goodbye mom, dad, Sis, that hot chick who I work with and I think Henry. He was my boss, I still had mixed feeling about him banging my sister.

I coughed up a lot of the blood, the liquid splattering on the carpet.


Summoning Complete!

Location: The Kingdom of High Castle


I was barley able to lean my head over to see the screen. Summoning eh?

The edges of my vision started to blur. Funny enough, I was looking forward to a harem game. I would be able to do it my way and find a path to have all the girls I gather marry me at the end. No one likes choosing one girl, I hate when they do that. Oh and I would never choose the first girl I met, such a cli-
