Signs of Fate

Life was busy as ever in High Castle. Knights training as usual, political parties holding meetings, and the women of the kingdom moving about their business.

"Shoulders up and strike, I will not tell you again."

Margret Howitzer walked about the dirt courtyard with keen eyes, ten knights situated in front of wood pillars. They were taking their mid-exam, the strike test. The strike test would prove if the ten junior knights could accurately slide between different attacks without using any mana.

"Side swipe then over head and finish with pivot stab!"

The ten knights quickly started the swift movements. Wooden shaped broadswords impacted against the wood on the left side, then the female knights brought the swords back and quickly swung their swords down were the shoulder would be.


Margret smiled as she watched her students move with precision. With knights like hers, Damien stood no chance. Then each student pivoted and dug slightly into the face of the wood dummies. Perfectio-

One of them slipped however, losing her footing and sending her to the dirt. Margret stopped and glared at the fallen student, a long breath drawn as she stalked toward her.

"Everyone is dismissed, Alice stay."

The nine sweaty girls giggled and walked away.

"Uh-oh Alice, maybe next year sweetheart."

"It's okay, not all of us can be perfect."

More snickers and comments came from the other nine girls, Margret ignoring them as she approached the girl who rubbed her rear end. She knew drama and harshness were part of being a strong woman.

The girl who sat awkwardly on the ground was Alice Breach, a woman who had the biggest mana pool of the junior knights, only she was as clumsy and physically taught as a toddler. She had long light blue hair and sparkling purple eyes, and just like most females in Iro, she was gorgeous. However, looks amounted to nothing in a world of just woman.

"Get up Alice, now."

Alice dropped her sword and quickly got to her feet. "Now Alice, what are the first three rules we follow as knights of High Castle?"

Alice scratched her head and bit her lip, "Ummm, never waste a strike, uh, always keep your shoulders square and opposite of your opponents, and..." Alice trialed off as she stood dumbfounded. She smiled in hopes her teacher wouldn't yell at her.

"To never harm or drop the extension of the knight."

Alice looked down at the wooden sword which rested alone in the dirt. "Oh, I'm so sorry I just-"

Margret put a hand up, stopping Alice from continuing. The aging lady bent down and gripped the practice sword. Her brown hair falling over her silver plated armor. She handed it to Alice. "Are you having the visions again? if so you need to tell me, its now affecting your training."

Alice held her practice sword and stared at the dirt, her usually joyous self falling off. "Yes, but this time they are happening more often. He keeps calling my name and I hate it so much."

Alice caught herself from crying, "I don't understand why I can't do what you do Margret."

Margret watched the youthful girl almost break into tears. She understood her agony. It was what all women had to deal with. In Iro, land of the woman, only nine men were present. Each of these men had exceptional power and ruled amongst kingdoms. The women of this land were subconsciously drawn to them, what they referred to as "The Voice of Men". A phenomenon that made woman want to be around them. However at the age of consent, through training and study, they could ignore the urge completely.

Alice though, lacked the ability to do so, a curse and name put on her. A few yards away, one of the women spoke a single word that has forever haunted Alice.


Alice and Margret both heard her say it, but let the insult pass by. "I can always ask for more sessions, eventually you could learn it." Margret knew she could not lose Alice as a knight. Her magical power was to be feared and her sword play could use some work but other than that, she was one of the top candidates to be the tenth Holy Knight.

Alice inhaled and smiled, her usual self flooding back to her, "I apologize m'lady, I will not falter again. Can I have another chance?"

Margret waited for her other students to enter the barracks before nodding, "I will allow it this time, however I will be forced to punish you if it occurs again."

They both exchanged a wink and Alice took her position in front of the dummy.

Not too far away, The sixth ranked Holy Knight walked slowly to a regular cobblestone wall. It was Reina Alber, a taller female with a slender tan body. She had purple hair and hazel eyes that gleamed with curiosity and mischief.


She spoke an ancient language unheard to the tongue, the wall seemingly vaporizing into thin air. As she walked in through the entrance, the wall reappeared behind her.

Reina licked her lips as she found her self in the mirror room. It was a circular room completely comprised of mirrors and ancient symbols on them. In the center lied a single pedestal with a velvet cushion. Upon that cushion laid Excalibur, the most powerful Gauntlet in all of Iro. It was protected by magic that specifically warded off men and only allowed virgin women to enter. Excalibur was only able to be wielded by a man, which Reina profusely refused to believe.

"Third times the charm." She clapped her hands together in anticipation.

"And what business would you have with a third try?"

Reina stopped and turned to her right. It was Mary Rose, the second ranked Holy Knight of High Castle. She had almost blinding blonde hair neatly tied in a bun and blood red eyes. She had white slick armor and black robes which screamed integrity and pride.

"Oh Rose, did not see you there, I was just um..."

Reina blinked rapidly as she scanned her mind for an excuse.

"Wait, I'm on guard duty today, why are you here in the first place?"

Mary pushed off the mirror she so casually leaned on and approached Excalibur.

"Meralda said she felt a disturbance in the kingdom, a very powerful force was felt, she said."

Reina shrugged, "And? It was probably Tiana going overboard in her personal training again."

Mary shook her head and rolled her eyes at Reina, "Are you a halfwit? It is clear Meralda can tell the difference."

Reina let her shoulders droop as she watched Mary take post just beside Excalibur. The gold and silver encrusted sword looking frail next to her.

"You always have to ruin the fun don't you. It is probably nothing anyways."

Mary locked her eyes to the entrance, ignoring her comment. "Hard ass..." Reina said under her breathe as she also took position on the other side of the white marble pedestal.

"So are you going to be tense like that all day or you gonna get that hand out of your ass."

Reina smirked as she taunted Mary.

Mary glanced at her and back to the entrance, "You are so indecent with that mouth of yours, no wonder you were able to ignore The Voice of Men at birth, it shows."

Reina snorted, "What is this, Mary Thaggard Rose insulting someone, unheard of?!"

Mary hissed back, "I was just stating facts, no woman with a position such as yours should speak so disgustingly."

Reina smiled and hopped on one foot with exaggeration, "You think I have a high position, so you finally acknowledging me eh?"

Mary shook her head, "As if I would waste the brain cell in my head to acknowledge you as a knight."

Reina whistled, "I'm honored."

The two rolled their eyes simultaneously, Mary already wishing she could leave. Reina on the other hand was having a blast, it was not everyday you get to mess with the most prideful and stuck up knight in all of High Castle.

Then, one of the mirrors behind them shattered completely, millions of shards exploding outward. The shards bounced off Mary's armor and Reina evaded to the side.

The girls looked at each other in confusion.

Mary drew her silver rapier and took a stance ready to attack. Reina detached the long bronze spear on her back, her eyes darting around the room.

It was silent, the shards settling on the ground and the air still. Nothing.



All the mirrors in the rooms exploded with power, the runic symbols lifting off of them and disappearing into thin air. Something was stirring in the room, and as the two girls surveyed the room, their attention became void of Excalibur.

The gold blade started to flicker to life, its wielder finally calling its name. Mana started to leak from its handle and then encased the entire broadsword. Gold light flooding out of the gold gem placed at its guard, the aura finally reaching the Holy Knights.

"Oh no..." they both said in unison, their eyes locking on to Excalibur. Fear cascaded across their face as the sword started to shake.

"Reina you are faster than me, go alert the Holy Knights and Margret!"

Reina stood wide eyed, her jaw dropping as the sword started to lift of the cushion.

"Now!" Mary screamed, knocking Reina from her daze. The tan girl narrowed her eyes and sprinted for the entrance. She spoke the same foreign dialect, the wall dispersing as she zipped past it. Her bare feet digging into the stone floor of the castle.

Mary Rose was now alone, watching in shock as her and many other's fears started to materialize in front of her. If fate be true, the tenth Man was being summoned. The one who was destined to destroy this world.

The Grimm Reaper.

Mary swallowed hard as she built up mana in her rapier's tip.

//Holy Power// and //Radiance// were activated.

Holy Power would grant her the ability to access other Holy Spells. Radiance would multiply her power ten fold. She had to stop it or all was lost. Mary kicked off the floor and was now above the floating sword, the gold light now consuming the room as well.

"Grant me the power to save our kingdom Helena..."

She touched the tip of her rapier to the blade of Excalibur, releasing all of her Mana in a single instant. The sword subconsciously activated a spell of its own, //Divine Judgement//.

This Spell would allow the next attack to either reflect back onto the attacker or increase the damage by twenty. It was a hit or miss spell and to its luck, Mary was completely thrown back against the stone wall, the entire section exploding into dust and rubble.

Alice smiled as Margret applauded her strikes, "Great Alice, I am glad to see you succeed."

Alice bowed and thanked Margret. If not for her sympathy, Alice would be long gone by now, no chance of becoming the tenth Holy Knight.

The barracks door exploded as one of Margret's students bursted out with urgency. She looked afraid, something Alice hated to see. 'What's going on?' She thought to herself. Margret also was witnessed the fear on her face.

"Excalibur is moving, Reina delivered the message!"

Margret's expression went dark and cold, something rarely seen to take her face. Her mana started to grow as she walked toward the barracks.

"Alice come with me, we need all the mana we can get."

Alice rushed to the side of Margret, her mind remembering the visions. It was him, The Grimm Reaper.

"What are we going to do?!"

Margret pushed past the door and met Reina who had already drawn her spear.

"We are going to kill the man who threatens the peace of this kingdom..."