Chapter 145 "A New Mission"

"What?? Hahahahaha what a good coincidence!" Long Yu Ren nearly spill his tea on Long Ao Zhen clothes when he heard Long Ao Zhen words.

He felt even more curious about this little wife identity. It turned out that his grandson accidental marriage wasn't something bad afterall!

He could get a great grandson and a translator in one package! So satisfying!

"Yeahh let's stop talking about that. So...i finish my mission. Do you have other mission you want me to do?" Long Ao Zhen hurriedly change the topic as he was afraid that his grandpa will ask him.

" know...a few days old friend of mine came to me delivering some urgent informations" Long Yu Ren eyes instantly turned serious when he recalled the information he got from his old friend.

"Your old friend? You mean, God?" Long Ao Zhen raised his eyebrow indifferently as he propped his chin in a cool way.