Chapter 213 "Freeze Talisman"


Li Shi Ying attached her talisman to Chang Min Wan body and the word written was "Freeze".

In just a second after Li Shi Ying attached her talisman, Chang Min Wan body freeze and he couldn't move at all. With a smooth kick, Li Shi Ying kicked the back of his knee so with a BANG! Chang Min Wan knee touched the ground.


What happened?! Why the hell he couldn't move??? What kind of black magic that b*tch use??

The people around them who were previously looked at Li Shi Ying with disgusting eyes, instantly broke in cold sweat. Their body were stiff and one by one they quietly leave the place.

So embarrasing! The woman they thought to be a mere prostitute with weak body no abilities at all....turned out to be insanely strong! Her move was so weird that she could made a man bigger than here freeze on spot.

Chang Min Wan wanted to shouted and cursed but he couldn't even move his mouth! What happened? Why the hell he became like this?