Chapter 289 "Mistake"

When Jiu Wei had just thought so, he saw Li Shi Ying activate her new move 'White Mist'.



"Wait miss stop!" Jiu Wei just realized the hidden danger that lurked around their group when Li Shi Ying had just activated her talisman.

She would use it to cover the eyes of Huo Zhuangli and his men so that they could make use of this chance to run away while Huo Zhuangli and his group would be lost in the mist she created.

Li Shi Ying had created the thick mist when she heard Jiu Weis warning.

"...huh?" Li Shi Ying turned her heard towards Jiu Wei who was marching his mount at a rapid speed in her direction when she suddenly saw something beyond her expectations.

When the mist she created covered Huo Zhuanglis group, the next second she saw colorful thin mist mix in and then....

In just less than a second...