Chapter 293 "The Legendary Aphrodisiac"

"Mistress got poisoned by an aphrodisiac"

Σ(゜ロ゜;) ....WHAAAT? An aphrodisiac?

"Wait wait wait, are you serious?" Chen was still doubtful toward Jiu Wei's word. Aphrodisiac? His bunny is poisoned with an aphrodisiac? Ridiculous.

"Yes Lord, it's true. That pink mist contained a certain dose of aphrodisiac and is very effective towards women rather than men. This poison also doesn't affect any creatures other than a human being"

Jiu Wei nodded his head with a serious face. He too at first didn't believe such a lowly poison would be found inside that pink mist. This kind of poison was very commonly sold in the black market in human society.

How could a natural phenomenon such as pink mist contain this kind of poison? Truly strange.

"Then if it's aphrodisiac...there is no exact antidote for it right?" As the one who had been drugged with aphrodisiac exclusive for a dragon, Chen knew how torturing this poison would be.