Chapter 303 "Have You Cum Before?" (17+)

Warning: 17+

This whole chapter is going to be a smut scene.

Li Shi Ying whole body had been consumed by lust and her mind became muddled. She weakly nodded her head as she begs 'Chen' shamelessly.

"Chen mo-more...more...I want you...put your finger inside...I want it..." With a faint whisper, Li Shi Ying closed her eyes as tears began to wet her cheek.

She now turned into a b*tch but she couldn't help it. She loves Chen...she love him so much...she knew now she didn't only like 'Chen' but also love him.

"As I thought you like for my finger to thrust your p*ssy. Okay now say, please put your finger inside master...and I'll give you a reward"

'Chen' laughed like a demon as he licked Li Shi Ying wet secret place with his warm tongue, sending a shiver to Li Shi Ying body.

Li Shi Ying who had completely fallen to her own hallucination, meekly obey 'Chen' order. "M...master...please p-put your finger inside..."