Chapter 345 "The Last Round" the last round! She die or not will be determined in this last round.

At the audience area.

"Ukhh now those two are in the same situation. The next riddle will determine it all! And..the one giving riddle will be that sect head" Jiu Wei gnashed his teeth trying to kept calm when in fact he wasn't calm at all.

Oh God how could he be calm. He was so nervous for his mistress! Looking at the situation...Huo Bai Lei would gave his mistress the hardest riddle he got! If he didn't...he would die.

"Calm down Jiu Wei. Believe in mistress!" Di Yu patted Jiu Wei back even though his hand was also shaking. He also felt nervous for mistress!

This is a death or alive battle and no one could interfere or save the one who lost the battle so...if mistress lost...she would die and they couldn't even save her!