Chapter 381 "Resolution"

Then according to the story plot in the academy later the fact that Long Ao Zhen was Meng Yue Ming husband would be a face slap for one of a beautiful and young translator there.

That translator tried to get into Long Ao Zhen good side since Long Ao Zhen indeed need a translator for his kingdom but was face slapped by Meng Yue Ming.

Now now...that story plot could happen if those two was married and was in a good relationship but...even up until now, those two haven't meet very often right?

Wait Long Ao Zhen as 'Chen' was always with her from Dragon Country until now so...he really didn't meet Meng Yue Ming at all!!

T-this...isn't this mean she still have chance? She was already in Long Ao Zhen good side as his 'little sister' due to her dragon seal cheat so...wasn't she closer with Long Ao Zhen than Meng Yue Ming?