Chapter 398 "Senior"


After the talisman were activated one by one, Li Shi Ying immediately ran to the cave her team member had agreed upon. Even from afar she could see her friends already began to do their act.

Stealing badge!

Actually it would be more thrilling if they fight for the badge but since she prefer peace over fighting this method Wei Zhuang suggested was really good. This way she didn't have to kill anyone in this test!

"Oy Shi Ying so slow!" seeing Li Shi Ying who had just arrived at the cave, Chu Lianzhe nudged her back with his elbow. They had just began to collect the badge.

These people hide their badge quite well and if not for his sister special ability to detect something she wanted, they might have woke up this guys before they found the badge.

"What a good ability you have there girl" Wei Zhuang smile in satisfaction after he got 3 out of the five badges his group needed. He thought Chu Songshu would just be a burden to their team but once again he was wrong.