Chapter 402 "Destiny?"

I-isn't that!

A man descended from the sky landing elegantly on the ground with his back facing Li Shi Ying and the others who was actually desperate at the moment.

The man long green hair fluttered when his feet touch the ground and that side view of his face that was seen for a bit by Li Shi Ying and the rest was incredibly stunning.

Li Shi Ying heart skipped a beat when she saw even only the back view and the side view of the man who just came right in front of the ice eagle to block it from attacking her group.


There's no way she didn't recognize this man even though it was quite a long time ago since she saw his face.

I-it was Long Ao Zhen!

Seeing Long Ao Zhen, Han Aoman dark face instantly turned bright as he stood up and shouted happily.

"Ao Zhen bro!! you come for me?? Oh God it's a miracle! Ao Zhen-sama is here!!" Han Aoman looked so happy making the rest of the group looked confused with the arrival of this man.