Chapter 446 "Confession Plan"

At the same time, Boys dorm.

"Hhhh who would ever thought Shi Ying suddenly confess to that school idol" Thén Sin Lung sighed as he got report from his divine beast.

He had placed a divine beast flying-type one with special ability concealing aura and presence all so he could monitor Li Shi Ying movement inside the academy

Who would have thought after the translator battle ended she suddenly confess to Long Ao Zhen, that senior whom he met when they were doing the second test.

That Long Ao Zhen....who is he? Why he said he only see Li Shi Ying as a he Li Shi Ying step brother or...

Thén Sin Lung head was dizzy with all of these mysteries he didn't know between Li Shi Ying and Long Ao Zhen.

"Well since that guy reject her I can make my move now right..." Thén Sin Lung mused over his plan. Right now Li Shi Ying must be brokenhearted after being rejected by Long Ao Zhen.