Chapter 487 "Bad Rumors"

Little did Jiu Wei know, Li Shi Ying only needed a simple confession sentence to mend her broken heart.

"Oh, Jiu Wei you are a genius! When should I give her the pill? Tonight? Tomorrow?" Long Ao Zhen's gloomy face slowly turned bright when he heard Jiu Wei's plan.

Jiu Wei really had so many ideas!

"Don't do it today. Mistress is tired. Let's do it tomorrow night under the full moon in the garden, how about that?" Jiu Wei knew Li Shi Ying was tired, and thus afraid that the girl would faint if Long Ao Zhen confessed now.

"Alright, tomorrow night then." Long Ao Zhen left the garden while whistling happily, not knowing the storm waiting for his bunny ahead.

Next Morning.

"Hey, do you know the rumor about that legendary girl in the beast tamer division is actually a maidservant?" One of the students in the girl's dorm was chatting while they sat down to eat breakfast.