Chapter 492 "Disappointed"

"Still..." Long Ao Zhen felt reluctant to make everyone here see Li Shi Ying's exposed arm.

He's the only one that can see his bunny's body! No one else, even if it's only her arm  ̄へ ̄

Author: ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ´Д`)ノ that's not the problem!

"Your highness, this is for Li Shi Ying's sake too. What if she isn't the rumored ex-maidservant? Still, without this test the rumor would continue to spread, and that will ruin her reputation."

Meng Yue Ming was worthy of the female lead title. She could skillfully twist her words so it appeared like she did this for Li Shi Ying's own benefit, when in fact she was here to expose Li Shi Ying secret.

Just imagine, Long Ao Zhen must hate someone as vicious at that. A mere maidservant dared to attempt poisoning her mistress and then when her plan failed, she ran away.

Yet somehow, she entered this academy now. How would Long Ao Zhen feel about that? Must be disgusted right?? With this, Long Ao Zhen would see Li Shi Ying in a bad light.