Chapter 524 "Finally"

"Alright, I won't go, so what is it you want to talk about?" Long Ao Zheng sat down again, and this time, he sat down on Li Shi Ying's bed. 

He didn't know what his bunny wanted to talk about, but if she wanted to blame him for what happened after she transformed back, he would absolutely take responsibility. 

"Actually, when you ranted about everything, such as your love for cats and how you tried hard to confess to me but always failed, I wasn't sleeping. So, I know everything." 

Li Shi Ying felt that she should go straight to the point rather than beating around the bush, so she immediately told Long Ao Zhen the thing she wanted him to know. 

Long Ao Zhen: (゜.゜)

"W-what? What are you talking about?" Long Ao Zhen's head was spinning around when Li Shi Ying suddenly dropped a bomb. A big one. 

"Don't play ignorant. I know everything, now tell me, is that true? All the things you said to me when I was sleeping. Is that true?"