Chapter 527 "Bugs!"

Well, in ancient China, even a 14 year old girl was already married, but she didn't want to! 

"That's why, when will we have sex?" Long Ao Zhen tilted his head innocently, not knowing his last question completely made Li Shi Ying explode. 

"YOU PERVERT, GET OUT!!" Li Shi Ying's face was super red as she kicked Long Ao Zhen out of her room before she locked her room door, leaving the poor man outside without knowing what he did wrong. 

"Ying'er?? What's wrong?? What did I do wrong, ah..Jiu Wei told me so!!" Long Ao Zhen knocked on Li Shi Ying's door again, trying to make her let him in, but upon realizing he would disturb other girls next door, he suddenly shut his mouth. 

Oh God, no one should know that he was here. So he couldn't make noise! Damn it, what did he do wrong? Why the heck did his bunny suddenly get angry?? This is all Jiu Wei's fault! He lied to him about having sex right after being a couple!! 

Let's find him and beat him up!