Chapter 582 "Sunlight"

But just in case this sunlight talisman didn't work…she'd better prepare a cross and garlic too. Let's see...garlic was impossible to get here, so cross…is there something she can use to make a cross…

Oh, this hairpin!

While Li Shi Ying was busy preparing a counter attack, Jiu Wei and the others slowly got cornered by the vampire, even though at first they had an advantage facing this vampire.

"Damn it, this bastard used blood to block everything!" Jiu Wei grumbled since even though he froze the blood, the vampire could still control it so he couldn't do much against the vampire. 

"Same here, I can't make the blood evaporate." Di Yu thought that it would be easy to evaporate the blood using his magma, but then the blood contained a very dense cultivation energy of many divine beasts, making it impossible to be evaporated.

Just how many divine beasts did this bastard kill in order to make such a big and deep lake?! This is insane!