Chapter 620 "Lucky"

"Did you just think that you should die??" Even without knowing what was in his disciple's mind, Qiao Mo could guess what Li Shi Ying was thinking about from her facial expressions.

"But isn't that the only way…" Li Shi Ying almost gave up on finding the rest of the herbs. What's the use of that if her life here destroyed this world instead?

"No, you can't die! Think of those who love you here. They will suffer if you just choose to die. Don't be so pessimistic I will try to find a way, okay?" Qiao Mo's voice also slightly trembled.

He just met his disciple for the first time, but he already loved her like his own daughter. Imagining his cute, talented daughter being hunted down by other cultivators because of this…

No, he couldn't give up yet! He was sure there must be a way somehow. Should he search for the other foreign soul? Maybe that foreign soul would be able to help his disciple, since that soul was also in the same boat as his disciple.