Chapter 630 "Conquer The Base"

"Hey, they seriously will bring us to the Golden Lake??" Jiao Cong Ming whispered to Li Shi Ying and the others, feeling goosebumps just by the mention of the lake.

Because of Wei Zhuang's story, now he became paranoid!

"I didn't know this Golden Lake really did exist…" Li Shi Ying looked at the sky that had turned orange-reddish about to turn completely dark. The staff said that the trip requires 2 hours since the lake was located in a deserted place.

Then isn't this meaning that the staff want them to do the underwater group battle at night?? Won't it be dark and cold?! Not to mention the legend…the Gold Fairy came out at night right?

"I also didn't know that the lake really existed." Wei Zhuang trembled as he muttered to himself. He too didn't expect the lake to be real. He didn't believe in the legend, but if the lake was real…