Chapter 653 "Martial Arts"

Qiao Mo only smiled when Li Shi Ying shouted like that. No one in this room should know that he was Li Shi Ying master aside from Long Ao Zhen so he couldn't react properly. 

"....alright I understand" Li Shi Ying looked down on her feet and let out a big sigh before sitting down again. She forgot that there were others in the room not only her and Long Ao Zhen so how could her master told her what could she do? 

She better calmed down first and wait until she could talk with her master.

"Good that's it, that's all the rule for the last round of the tournament. The first battle will be held tomorrow morning at 9 a.m so you can choose your representative and get prepared for tomorrow's battle. The grand final will be held 3 days from now"