Chapter 687 "7 Gates"

"Get ready" Gu Zhong tightened the rein of his beast and after making sure Li Shi Ying was ready, he commanded his beast to go through the tunnel heading to the Pegasus Country for real.

"Wah!!" Li Shi Ying couldn't help but squeezed her eyes tight when she felt the wind caressing her skin and her body was in a vertical position almost making her think that she would fall anytime. 

Li Shi Ying gripped Gu Zhong's clothes right as she waited for the beast they were mounting to finally stop flying in such a vertical position. She felt like playing a roller coaster of death! The sound of the wind really got on her nerves reminding her how high and fast they were right now. 

If she had to wait any longer...she would probably faint!