Chapter 708 "Subduing New Collection"

"! No!" The griffin tried to fly away escaping the net but a pity, the net was made from his own blood. It actually follows wherever the griffin flies to! 

In no time, the red net captured the griffin and once the griffin was trapped inside, the net tightened leaving no hole for the griffin to escape.

"You guys where are your dignity as a sacred beast?! To actually capture me just for a human...we're a fellow sacred beast aren't we?" The griffin glared at Xi Xue with his dark brown eyes looking fierce as usual. His low magnetic voice sounded threatening but weak at the same time.

"It's precisely because we are a fellow sacred beast that we can't wait to make you join our mistress' collection" Jiu Wei grinned as he pulls the net together with Di Yu and Qi Tou. Capture complete! Nos it's up to their mistress to completely subdue this big guy.