Chapter 754 "Underwater Castle"

"Y-yes, sir!" Jiao Cong Ming subconscious straightened his back as the thought of running away disappear from his mind. 

Even if his father the king came saving him now, even if he got the whole army to attack this man...with a wave of his hand, the country would instantly be destroyed! 

He forgot this man is the legendary being, a dragon! 

"Good" Long Ao Zhen turned his body and ignored the young man to treated Li Shi Ying's body. The dragon suddenly became busy helping Li Shi Ying to activate the healing talisman and getting the girl to swallow a few medicines Jiu Wei gave. 

Jiao Cong Ming could only stare at the two couple with a blank face. 

He didn't have a crown princess or wife yet. Now looking at Long Ao Zhen and Li Shi Ying...he felt so pathetic! 
