Chapter 843 "Qiang Du Country"

"Hey, where are you going?" Thén Sin Lung couldn't help but ask when he saw the group went out of the inn. He wanted to follow too! 

"To Qiangli main sect" Li Shi Ying was the one who answered since no one there wanted to answer Thén Sin Lung's question. But even when the girl answered she was still being cautious against Long Ao Zhen. 

"I want to go too!" Thén Sin Lung gritted his teeth as he said that. Somehow he was still being pressured by Long Ao Zhen's aura so he couldn't move! This is very embarrassing.

"Go by yourself then" Before Li Shi Ying could say her words, Long Ao Zhen beat her to it. The man coldly said as he pulled Li Shi Ying closer to him. He didn't have any attention to release Thén Sin Lung up until they went to Qiang Du country. 

"What?" Thén Sin Lung was so stunned with Long Ao Zhen's words. There was no need to be so annoying right?! Can't he just let him go? Really petty!