Chapter 850 "Descendant of The Previous Sect Master"

Li Shi Ying felt the rain touched her from her head to her toe and slowly felt cold. One of her sense is back! Even though she still couldn't see or smell, she could already feel cold or hot and could hear noises too.

The sound of the rain hitting the ground was so loud that she was sure they were inside a small room. Her feet were colder than ever so the water from the rain must be welled up.

"This…" Qiao Mo whispered faintly and Li Shi Ying could hear his voice. Her master could speak now! The fog should be dispersing soon and she would be able to see again. 

Let's wait patiently….

While Li Shi Ying was getting rid of the fog in order to regain back her 5 senses, Long Ao Zhen, on the other hand, was being frustrated to the core.

"Damn!" Long Ao Zhen cursed but nothing came out from his mouth. He couldn't even hear his own voice. He felt so frustrated because...just now his head hit a wall!