Chapter 863 "That's It?"


Everyone was tense thinking that the sword would stab directly to Li Shi Ying's heart. Even Mian Xiang wasn't an exception because she forgot one thing. 

She forgot that her princess' wasn't a weak bunny doll.


The sword suddenly stopped mid-air as if stuck to an invisible barrier. Everyone was stunned when they saw the sword peak's master wasn't able to thrust Li Shi Ying using the sword. Even though the sword wasn't any ordinary sword, it could cut through so many hard things yet…

Somehow it won't thrust Li Shi Ying's body! A very hard and sturdy invisible wall seemed to block all the attack while the little girl calmly took out a cold drink from her storage space. 

Her star-like eyes blinked and a smile appeared on her face. Two pairs of dimple appeared at the same time when the smile was formed. A pity no one could see this. All they could see was once again the girl squinted her eyes.