Chapter 884 "His Type"

Nessie wasn't weak at all. In fact, this sissy Nessie was just too lazy to move. He hasn't had his nap! Nap is very important for his beauty. He didn't want his pretty black scale turned grey or even white because he didn't take care of it.

His scales had to be the prettiest ever! Glossy, soft- no. Not soft for sure but glossy and smooth is a must. 

"What are you doing in our world? Where do you come from?" Qiao Mo asked Nessie even though he knew the dragon won't understand. He really was curious about this creature coming from another world.

His disciple said that there wasn't any mythical creature in her world so this dragon came from another world different from his disciple's original world. Isn't that interesting? 

Just how many worlds are there outside? What kind of creatures lives in those other worlds. Could they cultivate? But what this black dragon had wasn't cultivation energy.