Chapter 902 "On Her Neck"

Seeing Long Ao Zhen didn't speak anymore and only silently stared at her as if he knew something yet didn't ask, Li Shi Ying suddenly got a goosebump. She felt as if Long Ao Zhen could see through her clearly. 

Feeling like this, the girl hurriedly stood up and covered Long Ao Zhen's body with a blanket. Let's end this Q & A session. She couldn't afford to be found out! 

"Let's wait for the food and after that, you should rest. We will stay in the desert until you can change back to your human form. After that, we can go to a nearby city and wait for you to recuperate well" 

Li Shi Ying awkwardly patted Long Ao Zhen's small head before disappearing to the dining room, unable to stay any longer. 

This made Long Ao Zhen slightly sad but what else could he do? He would wait until Li Shi Ying opened up her heart and was willing to tell him everything she was hiding from him. At that time maybe he too could tell her what he was hiding from her.