Chapter 1148 "This...Is A Trial!"

"Okay, let's go. I'm already tired as well. We will have dinner at home, right?" Li Shi Ying agreed almost instantly. The girl nestled inside Long Ao Zhen's arm as she admired her ring. If she got a media social right now she would take a picture of the ring and post it online. 

She just can't contain her happiness! 

"Mn. Dinner at home, cooked by Jiu Wei. Let's go, use the talisman. I'm sure that you are already tired. Let's talk about the wedding ceremony later, okay?" Long Ao Zhen rubbed Li Shi Ying's forehead affectionately before he asked for the talisman. 

His bunny was out for a whole day, she must be tired. She gotta take a hot bath, eat good food and go to sleep soon. That way tomorrow she could discuss the wedding ceremony.