Chapter 1204 "Second Attack"

"Master...thank you for everything" Thinking like this, Li Shi Ying turned at him and smiled. She had to send her people off with a smile. Even though they won't meet her anymore like forever but still…

She wanted to remember them. 

"Mn. Live your life well. I won't remember anything and even if you did...please don't grieve too much" Qiao Mo knew that Li Shi Ying is depending on the ring she wore so he already prepared a plan beforehand. 

The man waved his hand and started the process to send Li Shi Ying back after he received the girl thank of gratitude. 

"Mao will be the new leader of the beasts. Please...lead them well" Li Shi Ying turned to Mao Mao this time and smiled even though she saw the child is crying. He really looked cute even when crying in that panda form. 

Maybe whenever she saw a panda in a zoo she would have the urge to let him out thinking that it can be Mao Mao or his relative.